Thursday, November 11, 2004

More Exploring - and many new things are learned

Having made short work of the smith and his assistants, the adventurers turned their attention to a side door in the smithy. Gil heard the sound of something moving around on the other side, possibly the sound of something dragging on stone. He entered the room and seeing an orcish woman dragging a chest, he sneaked up on her and slew her with a couple of quick blows. She tumbled over onto a dustpan. It seems she was cleaning the room and moving furniture aside.
In the room they found a silver thimble of small value and, searching a loft where the smith’s assistants apparently lived, found some model polearm heads they were carving out of wood. Little else of value was found.
Continuing on, they found more storage, more empty barracks, a scattering of minor valuables, and then, finally, some more people. They stumbled onto the room of a merchant or bookkeeper of sorts. Gil successfully bluffed that he was there on real business, checking in about other problems around the keep. The merchant cared little for such things, but Gil persisted. In the room with them were a pair of ugly humanoids of particularly disturbing appearance. It’s hard to describe them somewhat as they had odd tufts of fur and faces that were part muzzle/part normal. Even their laughter had an odd cantor about it. Gil gave a signal and the attack was on. The merchant was badly injured with a single pass by Gil and never put up a fight while Tesrae made short work of the humanoids.
As Gil and Tesrae tried to interrogate the merchant, Bob Arby closed the door. As Kendrick and Bob were out in the hall, Kendrick heard a door close behind them. Setting up to open it and toss in a fireball, they were a bit startled to have the door suddenly burst open and a bunch of kobolds pour out. The pair made short work of the kobolds and found that they had apparently been entertaining themselves by tying a badger to a halfling when they overheard the commotion in the other room with the merchant.
Gil and Tesrae took the merchant to the forge where they managed to intimidate him into telling them where he was going (Suderham), where Dame Gold was likely taken (Suderham again), and how to get there. They also pocketed his money. Gil clobbered him and left him unconscious and tied up in the smith’s loft.
Eventually, the party found its way to the main kitchen/mess hall where Gil tried to bluff the cook into divulging more information, which he did. The cook eventually did become suspicious and ditched the party by heading downstairs.
After giving up a bit of a lead, Gil and Kendrick gave chase only to find their route taking them through the laboratory again. This time, they saw a figure dart out the other side. As they crossed the room, the cloaker (stationed here from upstairs) attacked Gil. Gil fought off the effects of the cloaker’s powers and fought back. Kendrick joined the battle. After fighting a little while, as the cloaker tried to back off, Kendrick nailed it with a well-placed arrow from his mighty composite longbow (which he isn’t actually proficient with… lucky shot). They decided to return to the upper floor.
Meanwhile Bob and Tesrae were searching around and found filthy quarters on one side, nicely kept (if spartan) quarters on the other. They had found Icar’s room. There was a chess set designed for a blind player and all the furniture was bolted to the floor. And as they searched, they heard a voice behind a locked door, cursing out Icar. Tesrae was a bit demanding and brusque in her inquiries and got little information before Kendrick and Gil returned.
Gil managed to pick the lock and nearly turned to stone when he found that the woman chained up in the closet was a medusa! After some difficult and awkward negotiations, in which Bob Arby was the strongest voice of mercy and compassion, the medusa agreed to let the party have most of the contends of the chest Icar had put in the closet in return for freedom and enough cash to make it back to her homeland in Ahlissa.
Gil managed to give his lockpicking skills a workout some more by opening the chest (difficult lock). Inside were many coins, pieces of jet, and bracelets. There was also a smaller coffer whose lock confounded Gil’s best efforts.


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