Sunday, January 02, 2005

This Town's on Fire!

While the party of adventurers tried to unlock the coffer and negotiated with the medusa, the defenders of the fortress were not idle. Goblins and hobgoblins began infiltrating the area of the mess hall, only heard at the last by Tesrae. Bob Arby acted quickly by inundating the area with fireballs as more hobgoblins, goblins, and even dire apes poured into the room. Unfortunately, being adjacent to the larders, the fireballs ignited powdered flour and fats, starting the blaze that would eventually consume the main fort.
As the fight continued, with the chamber rapidly filling with smoke despite the smoke chimneys in the ceiling, the party spotted Markessa directing the attack! But to their knowledge, Markessa’s head was hanging on the hut of the wildmen’s witch doctor. Rather than confront this woman at the time, the party decided to get out of the rapidly worsening environment and used a dimension door to escape.
Watching the stockade burn from a safe vantage point, they spotted a number of groups departing. They estimated that they had whittled the defenders of the stockade from an unknown number over 150 or so to around 40 humanoids. One of the groups departing appeared to have Markessa with them, so they set out to file around and lay an ambush.
The fleeing slavers notice the party about 90 feet out from the ambush and the fight began in earnest. Markessa’s party also included the female goblin shaman that had given them trouble on a previous occasion in the dungeon and Bob Arby singled her out for his attacks.
Gil and Tesrae were eventually forced to advance under hobgoblin arrow fire to close with the enemy. As they did so, one hobgoblin apparently revealed himself as a ringer by first disappearing under observation and then reappearing by use of a cone of cold on the advancing heroes. He then quickly went down as Tesrae and Gil battered him with sword and sickle.
Meanwhile, both the goblin shaman and Bob Arby were taking their lumps in a variety of ways. Markessa managed to charm Tesrae and confuse the combat a bit, somewhat reducing Tesrae’s effectiveness. But Gil soon took Markessa down, some hobgoblins fled, and the goblin shaman disappeared. The hobgoblin ringer dissolved into a cloud of smoke.
With the conclusion of the fight, the party retains Markessa #2 as a prisoner and is debating the next steps to take. They are just about to set out on a return to Highport to secure a ship to send the wildmen and the freed slaves on to Safeton, though Suderham and the plight of Dame Gold and her party also beckons.
Also, with the help of a little divine guidance and concentration, Gil finally managed to open the coffer to find, among some other spells, a clerical scroll of raise dead.


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