Monday, January 16, 2006

Beneath the Sign of the Rose

The party of heroes settled in at the White Knight Inn and waited for their recently hired/befriended compatriots to arrive. Devdas and Ohtar got there first, shortly before dark, ready to go. Rogord arrived a little late and with some form of trouble on his heels. Their first clue was that he slammed into the front door of the inn rather than walked in. Gil went to investigate the sound and helped a stricken Rogord in. He was clearly wounded and, looking a little green, poisoned. Gil did what he could to draw the venom out of his wounds and took a brief look out the door but saw nobody responsible for Rogord's attack.

In the back room, plans were finalized and Rogord related that he was attacked by agents of the Scarlet Brotherhood. He did what he could to staunch his own wounds, but nothing could be done to fix all of the poison damage already taken. He was determined, however, to continue in the fight against the slavelords.

The adventurers set out to go to the Sign of the Rose brothel down the street, leaving by a back way at the inn. Looking about, they did discover that they were under observation by someone on the rooftops, but since he was making no overtly hostile moves, they continued on their way.
At the brothel, the madam greeted the party warmly and asked about what sort of services they'd be needing while Gil inquired about the party rooms on the ground floor. Under cover of the madam making the rounds of the seven adventurers, Gil and Tesrae both tried to slip away. Tesrae was initially noticed but made it appear she was just looking for the privvy. Gil, however, found the room indicated by Lees during his previous visit. He spent some time picking a relatively difficult lock but managed to open the portal.

Gil returned to the lobby/common room and mingled with his companions until the madam was called away to greet another set of guests. At that point, the whole party made their move to the unlocked room. Inside, they found a trap door in short order and piled in. Kendrick came last, moving the trap back into place.

They found they were in a disused set of tunnels that were most likey once part of the sewer. There were drain holes in the ceiling and water marks on the walls. Condensation covered the floors and walls.

The passage opened into a roughly hexagonal room with a statue in it. The light cast by Gil's enchanted sickles glinted off its metal exterior. Bob Arby checked the statue for enchantments from where he was and determined that there was an illusion at work. As Tesrae, Ohtar, and Gil moved into the room, the statue raised a hand and demanded that they leave or face its poisonous breath. Thinking the statue might just be backed by an illusion (though possibly an iron golem), the heroes pressed ahead, searching for a secret way out of this otherwise dead-end room.

As Tesrae started to look over the pedestal the statue stood on, it stepped down and tried to strike her with a heavy blow. Upon closer examination, the statue indeed appeared to be a golem of sorts, but a flesh golem with armor plates attached to it. Nevertheless, it put up a vigorous fight, flailing about as it was surrounded by the heroes. It managed to lay a particularly crushing blow on Rogord, laying him out on the floor. Gil acted quickly to set his injuries and save his life.

Eventually, the golem fell under many blows though not before it had inflicted a substantial amount of pain on most of the heroes. Gil brought out a wand of curing light wounds and returned everyone to fighting shape.

Another more detailed search later, and they found a secret door hidden in the wall. It led to more tunnels. Tesrae and Ohtar led the way. As they went down a long straight corridor, the floor opened under both of their feet. Tesrae managed to jump back but Ohtar fell in. The pit, however, was only about 7 feet deep and softened with sand at the bottom. She landed uninjured. But it seems the true trap was behind the party as a nozzle popped out of the wall and issue forth a gout of flame. Everyone behind Ohtar was singed by the flames except Kendrick and Gil, both of whom moved very quickly to avoid the burst of fire.

Again, Gil broke out the wand of curing light wounds and set everyone back to right. This was getting to be a more stoutly defended route than had been anticipated.

At the end of the corridor, the heroes found a room with a large chest in it, of the style you'd see in a guard post: a chest used to transport weaponry by an army and used in the stocking of an armory. Gil went to check it out, looking for traps, when it suddenly lashed out at him with an amorphous pseudopod. Fortunately for Gil, it missed. The rest of the heroes rushed into attack the mimic that had disguised itself as a chest.

The mimic managed to stick to Devdas and knock him about a bit before it was slain. After a few minutes of cutting it apart and peeling it off the floor, the adventurers found a few small piles of loose change, some nice topaz gems, and a ring that Bob Arby was able to determine was magical. He used his remaining scroll of identify and found that it was useful for resisting injuries from freezing spells.

Next week: Further into the Sewers and Toward a Date with the Slavelords.


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