Tuesday, November 22, 2005

One Night in Suderham (so far)

After spending time rumor mongering in the common room, the adventurers retired for the night, but not without some concern. Worried that they are in the very headquarters city of their enemies, they elected to keep watch. Though they got some odd stares from other inn patrons at the White Knight, no crises arose during the night.
In the morning, after a quick breakfast, they set out into the streets to get some information. Tesrae wanted to obtain a membership in the fighter's guild so she could continue to walk around in her heavy armor. She was directed to the Fighting Man's Haven, a tavern with some rooms above it, to join.
At the Haven, a relatively rough and tumble place, Tesrae went up to the bar to speak ask about guild membership. Meanwhile, the heroes noticed an old acquaintance eating breakfast alone: Devdas, one of Mendel the merchant's bodyguards. Gil went up to speak to him while Kendrick and Bob, who knew Devdas best, stayed outside. Devdas wasnt' really receptive to Gil's attempts to draw him into conversation but it seemed, between the brief conversation and a chat with the bartender, that Devdas and his wife Ohtar were currently out of work.
Tesrae learned that obtaining membership in the guild was easy. She just needed the money to do it. After a brief trip to the moneychanger, she was able to pay the 50gp fee, put her X in the ledger next to her name, and she had the token she needed to prove her membership. The bartender was otherwise reasonably helpful, telling the heroes that Devdas's wife was out actively looking for a new job. He professed to not know the circumstances of their current unemployment. Gil left a message with the bartender for the couple, leaving himself cryptically identified but linked with Markessa.
The adventurers decided to get a look around the slave market in an attempt to figure out where Dame Gold and the others of her household might be held. The market, built rather like a small colesium, was not yet open but merchants were beginning to line up. A few questions placed around confirmed that Mendel was in town and staying in an upscale place near the wizard's guild, an inn called The Angel. The heroes then decided that they really needed to get the lay of the town and started to explore.
As they looked about town, they found a smelly flophouse, other taverns including the Magic Missile, Denhow's Pub and Grub, a gambling hall called the Bouncing Bugbear, and a couple of brothels called The Rose and the Wild Cat.
While exploring, they noticed that they had picked up a familiar tail. The half-orc they had seen the night before was following them, though at some distance. After a quick split up with Gil going one way the the rest of the party another, the half-orc continued to follow the bulk of the party. Meeting back up, they decided to try to lead him into a cul-de-sac and have it out if necessary. They wound their way into an alley in the mercantile quarter but the half-orc kept his distance. Deciding to press the issue, Gil and Kendrick hustled back to contront him.
The half-orc was reasonably non-chalont, not making any hostile moves and when confronted, confronted the heroes back. He told them that they did not belong in Suderham and asked to know why they were there. He said flatly that being slavers was not in their natures. Gil played it coy and both parties kept their cards held closely. Eventually, they agreed to discuss things over lunch.
At the White Knight, the adventurers got a private dining room and started laying cards on the table. The half-orc, now identified as Rogord, said that he was sent from the Kingdom of Keoland to keep an eye on the machinations of the Slavelords, particularly their guests, members of the Scarlet Brotherhood (who openly walk about town, acting like they own the place). Gil and the rest of the heroes admitted that they were pursuing Mendel and in search of a landed woman who had been captured by the Slavelords. Gil referred to Dame Gold as Uncle Larren's nanny, largely hiding her full identity.
Rogord was able to provide the adventurers with some information. Apparently, Mendel is making a bid for the leadership of the wizard's guild and is causing trouble for the current guildmaster. He is handing out scrolls right and left to just about anybody. He also told them that invoking the name of Markessa has probably brought the Slavelord's attention to them, she being a rumored favorite of Edralve, one of the Nine. During the conversation, the adventurers acknowledged that they sacked the stockade and that they were, in part, gunning for the Slavelords themselves.
Before he took his leave, Rogord told the heroes that he may be able to arrange some help for them if they were truly interested in taking down the Nine. He would also use his contacts to try to find the people they want to rescue.


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